How it all started...
The Oaks Church is a regional church with a long history of more than 130 years of ministry in the South Dallas area. On August 20, 1890, a small group of people met in a little red schoolhouse in the township of Oak Cliff and formed First Baptist Church of Oak Cliff. It was there that the rich legacy of ministering to all people took root in The Oaks at a time when many congregations were separated by the color of their skin. First Baptist Church of Oak Cliff took a strong stand not to segregate in worship or ministry. This decision has kept missions both in our community, nation, and around the world a priority through the decades.

Expanding the vision...
The Oaks is a Southern Baptist Church that is Christ-centered and deeply rooted in the Bible. Our desire is to allow God to use us in His great redemptive work transforming lives, families, cities, and nations. We believe that it is only God who does the transforming work and He has invited us to play a vital part in His kingdom. Our part is to live in deep connection with God and allow Jesus, who indwells every believer through the Holy Spirit, to live in and through us.
Where we are headed...
God is using our passion for life transformation to bring together people from a variety of non-religious and religious backgrounds. Each week, people who have never belonged to a church or have been disconnected from church for years gather to passionately worship God. While our teaching is Baptist in nature, God continues to use us to bring people with different religious backgrounds, such as Catholic, Methodist, Church of Christ, Charismatic, Lutheran, Pentecostal, Presbyterian, Non-Denominational, Nazarene, and Independent Baptist, together. This diversity is truly a mosaic of God's grand redemption story.

Be a part of our story...
Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together at 9am and 10:30am.