One of the biggest questions every child struggles with is “who am I?” Sadly, the world we live in offers kids a variety of lies for an answer. Join us for Family S’mores N More as we explore who God says we are and equip parents to guide their children through a dark world full of false truths.
This family-friendly event is open to the entire family! We will spend the day outdoors fellowshiping, playing games, worshiping, and much more! To ensure we have enough food, please RSVP by Monday, February 26. One adult per family must attend and be present with kids at all times.
Date: Saturday, March 2
Time: 10am-3pm
Location: Mt. Lebanon, 1701 Texas Plume Rd Cedar Hill, Texas 75104
Cost: $10 per kid, $5 per adult, max of $30 per family
Further information: Email